Join the Concord Chorale Legacy Society
Be Part of the Music for Years to Come
Founded in 1969, the Concord Chorale is dedicated to excellence in the performance of choral music for the cultural enrichment and enjoyment of its audience and its members. Remembering the Concord Chorale in your will, trust, or estate planning (including life insurance and retirement accounts) is a lasting way to ensure that the Chorale continues to share meaningful music, provide a strong sense of community, and offer musicians of all ages and backgrounds the opportunity to perform for years to come.
“Whether it’s sitting in a circle with guitars strumming, leading a Congregation in prayer, agonizing over a vocal aria or massaging jazz standards next to a grand piano, music has been central to my life. It is a gift I have been given and a gift I have shared. Nowhere has that provided me more joy than lifting my voice with others in a community of singing and feeling the joy when the audience and singers are uplifted and energized by the performance. That is why I have chosen to make a bequest to the Concord Chorale to ensure that future generations of singers and audiences continue to benefit from its harmonious performances. Music is magic.”
– Ruth Zax, Chorale Singer
There are many ways to make a planned gift to the Chorale, including:
- Bequests stated in your Will or Trust
- Retirement Plans by naming the Chorale as a beneficiary
- Life Insurance by naming the Chorale as a beneficiary
Please consult with your financial advisor and/or attorney about the specifics on making a planned gift and decide what type of gift makes sense for you.
If you would like to be a member of the Concord Chorale Legacy Society, please click here to download and fill out this Intention Form and email it to
Use this sample language to include the Concord Chorale in your will:
I give and bequeath to the Concord Chorale, a New Hampshire nonprofit, and a qualified 501(c)(3) organization, located in Concord, New Hampshire, Federal Tax ID Number 23-7065988, the sum of __________ (or % of my estate), (or other personal property herein described) to be used for its general purposes of the organization.”
Helpful information to make Concord Chorale a beneficiary in your assets/accounts:
Legal Name: Concord Chorale
Federal Tax ID Number: 23-7065988
Address: P.O. Box 160, Concord, NH 03302-0160
The Concord Chorale Legacy Society is comprised of those individuals who have chosen to include the Chorale in their estate planning, many of those being Chorale members. The society is listed in every concert program. If you prefer to remain anonymous, simply let us know.
If you plan to make a gift, please let us know about your intention so we may properly thank you and provide you with a simple form to complete and return to the Chorale for our records. We will be happy to meet with you, give you more information, and make the process as easy as possible. Please reach out to to connect with a Chorale representative and learn more.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 160
Concord, NH 03302-0160