Amanda Harrington joins the Concord Chorale as its first Chorale Manager bringing a strong background in music, arts management, and technology. She holds a master’s degree in arts administration from Boston University and a bachelor’s degree in music from Plymouth State University.
Amanda has broad experience in the music and theatre fields. From 2017-2019, Amanda worked on Nantucket, MA teaching music and theatre to middle school. During her time on island, she also taught private lessons, directed the Community Chorus of Nantucket, choreographed the high school shows, and developed a teen a cappella group at the Nantucket Community Music School. Over the past four years, Amanda has been working in higher education as an admissions coordinator and program coordinator. Amanda works full-time as an Account Relations Specialist at Acceptd helping students in the arts community manage auditions, applications, and more.
Amanda lives in Manchester, NH with her lab/pit mix, Harley. When not working, Amanda enjoys long walks through the woods with her pup, reading in the sun, and spending as much time as possible with her family and friends.

© 2022 Concord Chorale P.O. Box 160 Concord, N.H. 03302-0160