What a joy it was to be together this past Wednesday! I especially enjoyed the opportunity to open a new singing season by celebrating the wonderful professionals, Jenny and Liya, with whom we have the pleasure of working. Thank you to all for continuing to persevere with the restrictions we have adopted to keep everyone safe. Below are BJ’s notes from her announcement. I would ask that when you arrive this Wednesday, please be sure to stagger your position to ensure three feet of distance, which may mean leaving empty rows. Try to resist the temptation to get closer despite how much we love one another!
Greetings all!
What a joy it was to make some music with you last week. We’re pretty lucky.
A few thoughts as you prepare for this coming week:
The Magnificat was accidentally copied with all the instrument parts at the end. Please feel free to rip out those pages and to bind your score as you prefer, with staples or in a 3-ring binder. Thank you for taking care to not have loose pages in rehearsal.
- We will make sure to make your starting notes clear. It is always helpful if people are not speaking when notes are played.
- The pews do not encourage great posture, so do your best to sit up straight when singing!
- Auditioners are looking at the following passages. I encourage everyone to sing through them in preparation for the coming rehearsal.
- Vivaldi – Mvt. 7 through measure 37
- Grace Before Sleep, pick up to measure 35 to the end
- Break Forth into Joy through measure 45
- I love meeting each of you, but with masks and distancing, it feels less personal. Anyone who is inclined to send me an email and introduce yourself, I welcome that! Jcooper@lacademy.edu
- You can anticipate that for the first 4 rehearsals or so we will focus on Break Forth into Joy, Grace Before Sleep, Vivaldi Mvts. 1, 2, 7, 12, and possibly the Magnificat.
Thanks for sharing your voice!
In grateful song,
COVID comments – Open Sing, 9/8/21
By agreement, every singer will show their vaccination card, wear a mask in rehearsal, and sing three feet apart from others.
The Chorale has funds to buy a singer’s mask for everyone; if you have a mask you really like/recommend, please send BJ Entwisle the details at beegbkr@gmail.com. If you have already bought a mask, you will be reimbursed up to $25 for the cost.
Every singer will self-monitor and alter behavior in the event of the following:
1. New or unexplained Covid-19 symptoms
– rehearse from home until situation is clarified by medical provider
2. Close contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 in the last 14 days: closer than 6 feet for 15 minutes or more during a 24-hour period
– rehearse from home until:14 days post exposure OR Negative PCR test 3 -5 days after exposure AND no symptoms
3. Have traveled by airplane nationally or internationally, or on a cruise ship in the past 10 days
– rehearse from home for 10 days post travel OR Negative PCR test 3 -5 days after exposure AND no symptoms
4. Test positive for Covid-19 OR any illness such as Upper Respiratory Infection or flu
– rehearse from home until resolved and proven not to be Covid-19