C-NOTES 4/23/22


Unfortunately, because the Omicron BA2 variant is currently causing case increases in New Hampshire (hospitalizations are up sharply this week), for ongoing safety reasons we will need to wear masks to sing our concerts. 

This is disappointing, however as a caveat, the orchestra that sings with the BSO recently performed maskless and over 30 of them came down with COVID. We just cannot afford to take that risk.   


This week – Bach all movements, I Am the Voice That Sings, Psalm 61


Notes from last Wednesday’s rehearsal – Heavenly Hurt: concentration on movements 1 and 4.

Basses and tenors – Movement 1, pages 7 and 8 – check your notes on your own this week, some funky stuff going on.

Sopranos and Altos – beginning Movement 1 – think of the beginning measures like the duet in Movement 2.

Tenors/Basses, C section measures 23 on – needs more resonance, it’s dramatic, almost operatic

Movement 4 – nice work on this. Remember at end of piece on the word sky – cut off on the downbeat. Stop singing- curl your tongue.


Bach – movement 1 –  stimme – (sht – imme) accent on the sht; same with deine (die – neh) 


Please read carefully as this notice contains updated information

Wednesday 5/11 – Required In-Person Rehearsal 6:45-9:15

Friday 5/13 – 6:30 pm call, Required Dress Rehearsal 6:45-9:30 pm

Saturday 5/14 – 4:45-6:30 pm Required Rehearsal

Sunday 5/15 – 1:45 -2:30 pm Required Rehearsal/Warm Up

Friday 5/13 – Orchestra rehearsal (5:30-6:30)

ERRATA – I am a Voice that Sings

All Arrangements

Accompaniment changed for m. 4-17 and 23-26 

I chose to keep the same amount of measures as the previous arrangement – for commissioning members only – for two reasons. First, if you prefer the previous accompaniment, you can cut and paste onto the updated arrangement. (For new accompaniment, begin at m.4). Second, as I share any additional errata, all scores will have the same measure numbers.

Size of front measure number (increased from 10 to 14)


m.15 rhythm change: “keep in sight” is now dotted quarter, tied eighth-dotted quarter, tied eighth(-whole note in next measure). REASON: This creates consistency with the rhythm in measure 13


m.41 Alto: Added the missing tie into m.44

m.49 Bass:  Changed first note from A3 to F#3

m.59 Tenor: Changed last two notes from B3-C#4 to G#3-A3

m.61 Tenor: Changed last two notes from E4-C#4 to B3-A3  

m.63 Tenor: “smile” is now two sung over notes, B3-G#3, instead of just B3

m.80 Bass: sings “To-geth-er” in unison with the Tenors, rather than on E3s.


m.26 Piano  add E4 to the chord on beat 4

m.27 Piano   inverted the D Major chord in RH to D,F#,A4 to line up with the previous measure.

m.33 Piano  RH beat 2 ½ , play note third lower.


We are recruiting ushers for the upcoming concert and would love to have your friends, loved ones, acquaintances, neighbors, and anyone else who might be interested. We rely on our ushers to greet our audience and help manage the house. And, every usher can enjoy the concert for free! 

If you know anyone who might be interested, please contact me, Shelley Kesselman at either shelleybkesselman@gmail.com or 603-722-1009 (voice or text).


Online ticketing is now available! ConcordChorale.org/tickets has all the information and links to both in-person and virtual shows. Please share this link with your email contacts or via social media!

Facebook Events, posters and “promo” email for forwarding are coming soon, as are paper tickets for those who requested them, but don’t let that stop you from starting to sell tickets right away via this link. With virtual shows available, you can now sell tickets even to distant or less-mobile friends and family! 

Any questions about tickets can be directed to tickets@concordchorale.org 

Logan Snyder (they/them)

Ticketing Coordinator




To register, please complete this form: 


Please select the VIRTUAL AUDITION option if you are currently a member of Concord Chorale, Manchester Choral Society, Portsmouth Pro Musica, or New Hampshire Master Chorale.


St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Hopkinton is looking for an Associate for Music to lead the musical programs at the church. The position is currently vacant. The full job description can be found on the church’s website at https://standrewshopkinton.org/associate-for-music-search or by contacting the church office at office@standrewshopkinton.org. A number of members of the Concord Chorale attend St. Andrews, including Sam Waldo, Susan Youngs, Binney Wells, Patricia Kegel, and Rob Howard if you would like more information about St. Andrew’s.