C-NOTES 2/5/22


Complete the CCMS pledge by clicking here.

Next week sopranos will rehearse at CCMS, all other parts use regular Zoom link for virtual sectionals


If you will be absent from rehearsal, please e-mail both Jenny and your section leader. Please put Concord Chorale in the subject line. 

There will be no further music pick-ups. If you still need copies, please get them at the in-person section rehearsals. If you are not attending the section rehearsals and still need music, please contact me at susanberlenbach@gmail.com and I will get the music to you. 

All information for members is available at the Members Area, located at the bottom left side of the Concord Chorale homepage. The Spring 2022 Membership Roster will be updated and posted online this week. The Members Area is password-protected. The password is SingNH1969.

You can find details about Chorale membership on the Membership Information Sheet, Spring 2022. There has been a slight change to the attendance policy and media permissions have been added. Please be sure to peruse this document.

All members attending in-person rehearsals must provide proof of vaccination to their section leaders. The preferred method is to send a photo to your section leader. If you are not able to do that, please present your card to your section leader at the in-person section rehearsals. Vaccination must include one J&J shot plus a Moderna/Pfizer booster or two Moderna/Pfizer shots plus a booster. Please note that all photos sent to section leaders will be deleted after your status has been noted in our records.

Dues for the semester are $60.00. If you have any questions regarding your dues status, please contact your section leader. Music costs will be announced at our rehearsal this week. As always, if dues/music costs challenge your finances, please contact me at susanberlenbach@gmail.comI will keep your status in my confidence. Please send your payments to Concord Chorale, PO Box 160, Concord, NH, 03302 or bring your payment to rehearsal. 



We should have KN95 masks for everyone by mid-February, which we recommend. If the KN95 is uncomfortable or doesn’t fit well on your face when you sing, you should feel free to wear your singer’s mask that we provided to you last semester.

Please DO NOT wear cloth masks or basic surgical masks (usually blue and white). Research shows they are not nearly as effective.

If you are going to sneeze or cough, remember to keep on your mask and cover your cough with your arm.