C-NOTES 12/28/21


The board wanted to make the full membership of the Chorale aware of an amendment to HB 255, which will be voted on in early January, probably Jan. 5 or 6, 2022. The bill was initially written to prevent employers from requiring the vaccine of their employees. An amendment to the bill broadened its reach in a way that could potentially affect non-profit organizations like the Concord Chorale by making it more difficult for us to require vaccination of our employees, members, and others. We know that our requirement of vaccination played a major part in keeping us safe this fall, as well as have an audience that felt comfortable attending. If we were unable to require this going forward, it is likely that we would have to, once again, rehearse and perform virtually. 

Click here for a sample letter that was sent on behalf of the Chorale to the sponsors of the amendment. A version of this letter will also be sent to the Concord Monitor. Please feel free to send your own version of this letter to your legislators, or others in a position to have an effect on the amendment — and especially if you have a representative who may be supporting this amendment.

Link to the text of original HB 255: https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB255/id/2235022HB

Link to good article explaining amendment: https://newhampshirebulletin.com/2021/11/16/house-committee-passes-amendment-blocking-businesses-from-mandating-vaccines

Link to find your legislators: http://gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/

Link to the House Education Committee: http://gencourt.state.nh.us/house/committees/committeedetails.aspx?id=1


The decision has been made to postpone Open Sing until January 19, 7 PM at the Music School. The board fully backs this decision so that we may be beyond the projected peak of the Omicron variant of COVID.

Thank you for your patience! And stay safe!

Elibet Moore Chase