From the President
Back by popular demand, C-Notes will again be sent weekly! Thanks to all who provided feedback regarding how helpful this weekly communication has been for you. I do think it will help our communication, especially during this challenging time, and I HOPE that it will encourage members to carve out rehearsal time before the next rehearsal.
The plan is to include information on what pieces or segments of pieces to focus your practice.
We will start our new schedule next week, as follows, and, as always, C-Notes will be posted on the portal.
- C-Notes will be emailed through Constant Contact no later than midnight on Friday.
- All submissions will be sent directly to the Chorale Secretary (concordchoralesecretary@ by the person making the announcement. - Deadline for submissions will be Thursday at midnight.
- Submissions should be Chorale-related. Announcements about music events of interest to the Chorale community are also welcome but, please don’t advertise your yard sale on C-Notes!
Music Notes
Please rehearse the following for this coming week (for 11/10/21 Rehearsal):
- Ring Out Ye Bells m. 93 (pg 17) to the end
- Vivaldi movements 2, 5, 7, 8
- Magnificat, especially the runs
- Carol Suites, Break Forth (Bach Chorale) on pgs 27-28
- Sing Choirs of Angels, pg 15
Schedule for remainder of the semester (printable document also on Portal)
- Saturday, November 13, 9 AM – 12: 30 PM Long Rehearsal at South Church
- Friday, November 19 – decision will be made regarding live audience
- Wednesday, November 24 – NO REHEARSAL
Concert week
- Wednesday, December 8, 7 PM – Regular Rehearsal, South Church
- Friday, December 10 – Dress rehearsal 7-9:30 PM, South Church
- Saturday, December 11 – Concert, 7 PM, South Church CALL: 5 PM
- Sunday, December 12 – Concert, 3 PM, South Church CALL: 2 PM
December 13 – January 11 – HOLIDAY BREAK
Wednesday, January 12, 7 PM, Location TBA – Rehearsals recommence
Spring schedule coming as soon as possible.
Elibet Moore Chase