C-NOTES 01/22/2022


Health experts are urging the public to opt for three-ply surgical masks, KF94, KN95 masks or N95 masks, which offer more protection against the highly contagious Omicron variant. Cloth masks will not be effective against this variant.

Mask Information: The Doc Posse recommends the Powecom KN95 masks in black.

We are hoping to have a supply of masks to distribute in mid-February to each Member (free of charge to you). If the delivery is delayed, Members are encouraged to purchase a KF94, KN95 or N95 mask to wear at all in person rehearsals until the other masks arrive. There will also be 3-layered masks available at rehearsals. Cloth masks, including your black singer’s mask, are not recommended.

CDC Your Guide to Masks: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html
NIOSH approved N95 Masks: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/topics/respirators/disp_part/N95list1.html
Note: As you explore details, masks may be referred to as “face piece respirators.”

Full vaccination and boosters, if eligible, will be required to attend in-person rehearsals. Please send a copy of your vaccination card, with booster information, to your Section Chair as soon as possible (see below). Or bring your vaccination card to your first in-person rehearsal.

MUSIC SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS (In addition to the Chorale requirements…):

  • All Chorale members must complete a health and safety pledge form prior to our first rehearsal at the Music School. Answer the first question by clicking other and typing in “Concord Chorale.”
  • The form may be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/health-safety-pledge-fall21. It takes less than two minutes to complete. Printed copies of the form are available at the CCMS desk.
  • Before every rehearsal, please review the posted health screening questions and do not enter if you have new or unexplained COVID symptoms, have had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, have traveled internationally or on a cruise ship in the past 10 days, or test positive for COVID-19.
  • Masks are required for all people entering the building. If you do not have a mask, a paper mask will be provided at the check-in station.
  • Because we are all fully vaccinated, we may distance at 3’ at all times. Please distance at 6’ when encountering non-Chorale members inside the building.
  • Please sanitize hands upon entry using the touchless sanitization stand.
  • Do not open windows when in the rehearsal space as this will compromise the effectiveness of the portable medical grade HEPA air purifier.

On Sunday, January 23rd, music for this semester can be picked up at the McGlashan’s porch at 16 1/2 South St, Concord, NH from 1 – 3 PM. 

After Sunday, music can be picked up at Merrimack County Savings Bank at 89 N. Main Street, Concord, NH (free parking around the corner on School St.) Mary Lynne Rahlson has graciously made this location available.  Music will either be at the reception desk or Mary Lynne’s office, which is next to the parking lot. Knock on the door before entering from 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday through Friday.

Additional pickup times and locations may be added.
If you need music mailed, please contact Sue Berlenbach susanberlenbach@gmail.com or Chris Howard at howardcbh@comcast.net

If you have any questions, please text or email Sue Berlenbach (603-496-1357/susanberlenbach@gmail.com)

Please refer to this Membership Info Sheet to learn about member expectations, volunteer opportunities and other Chorale information.

Please click here for the most updated rehearsal information, permanently located on the Member Portal.

Please use the following new Zoom link for the rest of the semester.

NEW Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode for all Zoom Rehearsals starting Wednesday, January 26 and forward:
Meeting ID: 876 8092 4931  Passcode: 260572

1. Please change your name so that your voice part is first and your name second (i.e. S2 Jane Doe) so that we can easily break into sectionals.
2. Alex Hintz (husband of soprano Autumn Klick) will be providing technical support each week for the Zoom Rehearsals. Say hello & make him feel welcome!


If you would like to purchase an audio CD of our December concert, “Gloria,” please compete the order form at: