C-NOTES 4/9/22


We held our last sectionals and wood-shedded Heavenly Hurt movements 1 – 7. Now that we have taken the piece apart, work on any sections with which you are having difficulty. This week we will be starting to shape the piece.

We will also work on Bach movement 3 and Psalm 61.


SAVE THE DATE – Wednesday, May 18

Concord Chorale Annual Meeting and Potluck Supper

Held at Susan Youngs’s House in Webster

Annual meeting is the culminating event of our season and an important business meeting for the Chorale. Plus, it is a lot of fun!

Annual business includes voting on the next year’s slate of officers, reporting on various Chorale activities from the previous year, reviewing the budget and fiscal health of the Chorale, and a chance to get together and have fun.

Mark your calendars! 


From Lee Leppanen, Governance Committee Chair:

IMPORTANT: Notice and Information regarding vote on By-laws change.

At its February 6 meeting, the Chorale Board approved two new funds: the Sustainability Fund and the Special Projects Fund and their respective policies. The board also approved a new investment policy. These Funds will become active after the membership votes to align the by-laws with the policies and procedures outlined in the fund.

Therefore, the Board has also voted to make the following By-laws change that requires a full membership vote, which is planned to take place at this year’s Annual membership meeting: 

Article II Section 5: Quorum A quorum is reached when over 50% of the sitting Directors of the Board are present and Board action shall be by majority vote, unless the Policy Manual requires a greater percentage of sitting Directors of the Board present and/or a greater than majority vote.