C-NOTES 9/12/21
Hello! FROM ELIBET What a joy it was to be together this past Wednesday! I especially enjoyed the opportunity to open a new singing season by celebrating the…
Hello! FROM ELIBET What a joy it was to be together this past Wednesday! I especially enjoyed the opportunity to open a new singing season by celebrating the…
Our season approaches! We have a new collaborative pianist, a venue, and a plan. So, tune up your voices and get ready to sing! Here are the details. …
Concord Chorale is seeking a new Collaborative Pianist starting in our 2021-2022 Season Click here to view/download the Job Description: Concord Chorale Collaborative Pianist Job Description
Concord Chorale's 2021 Scholarship winner – Sydney Kilgore of Concord High School Concord Chorale awards to a graduating Concord High School senior a $1000 scholarship to recognize musical talent, scholastic…
We are ready to schedule sectionals using the Driveway Choir technique, using the 24 sets of microphones and headsets. Jenny will be conducting these sessions, with her wife Lisa on…
Sectionals and Long Rehearsal with Driveway Choir Equipment Much of the Chorale has been successfully introduced to this equipment. Special thanks to those who have helped – Sue Berlenbach,…
From Jenny: This week we will be working movements 9, 10, and 18. We will also talk about and work on stamina, reviewing some tenets of healthy singing.…
Hello everyone! This week we will work through movements 10-15. Many of these movements include only 1 or 2 voice parts, so please be prepared to work independently occasionally.…
From Jenny (for 3/17 Rehearsal): Get ready for Movement 9 this week. If you've sung any of the Brahms waltzes, get ready to channel what you practiced with those into…
CARMINA BURANA, Carl Orff CyberBass Rehearsal (Midi) Files (S1, S2, A1, A2, T1, T2, B1, B2) http://cyberbass.com/Major_Works/Orff/orff_carmina_burana.htm CARMINA BURANA REHEARSAL FILES ALL Movements - Piano Only Soprano 1 (15 videos)…