8/5/20 From Our Music Director


Even though I desperately wish we could be singing together in person this fall, I am genuinely excited about our plans for virtual singing and the music we will make.  Our concert title is “When the Night is Furthest Worn,” which is pulled from the text of a new work that we will sing by African American composer Marques L.A. Garrett, titled “My Heart Be Brave.”  The program follows us metaphorically from seemingly endless, ruthless night to a just and bright dawn.  The music I chose is music that makes me want to sing, to sing from my toes all the way up to the sky.  I know we will continue to feel dissatisfied, frustrated, and isolated in so many parts of our lives, including this virtual music making experiment, so I wanted this to be music we really WANT to sing, that brings joy, fullness, rushes of warmth, and feelings of levitation.  

If levitation feels beyond you right now, listen to this piece that we will be singing.  It’s sure to be a happy thought and give you wings.   https://youtu.be/InMhSNBlIg8

I hope you’ll join us!
– Jenny